A new worm is spreading through Likes, this Worm Spreads when you click on “Like” Button and it have hit hundreds of thousands of users of Facebook. You should know more about it as you may be hacked with it.
The messages that are being used in the link text include,
LOL This girl gets OWNED after a POLICE OFFICER reads her STATUS MESSAGE,” “This man takes a picture of himself EVERYDAY for 8 YEARS!!,” “The Prom Dress That Got This Girl Suspended From School” and “This Girl Has An Interesting Way Of Eating A Banana (banana), Check It Out!

Sure, You may be infected by the worm and you should do a scan on your computer using anti-virus or anti spamware, Ok Don’t forget to check your PC for this HELL!
Hey Dude, It’s the second attack this week for Facebook and the Fourth attack this month, So you may Quit Facebook Today if you liked this. We announced you Today that 31 May is the Quit Facebook Day, You can check our Post about this Topic form Here.