Most of us are waiting eagerly for the upcoming iPhone 4 unlock for 2.10.04 and 3.10.01 basebands, Sherif Hashim, the hacker behind ultrasn0w has added some information to the iPhone 4 unlock scene, he confirmed that the baseband exploit which has been found is working for both basebands 2.10.04 and 3.10.01

VaMpYrE7 asking: Hi Sherif, I dont wanna ask about an ETA but I just wanna know if uve found an exploit for bb 03.10.01 or not, w8ng patiently
Sherif_Hashim replying: the one I found is working for both
What that mean ? It’s highly expected to see one version of ultrasn0w which will be able to unlock iPhone 4 running iOS 4.1 or 4.2.1 (2.10.04 and 3.10.01 basebands)
Differently you are asking now about its ETA (estimate to arrival), MuscleNerd has confirmed that the unlock will be released after iOS 4.3 public release which expected to release on the upcoming iPad 2 Media event by March 2nd. Of course I’ll keep you informed with all updates, stay tuned.