Sony is still fighting against PS3 hackers and it looks like it won’t stop that. They’ve already sued Geohot & fail0verflow team for jailbreaking PlayStation 3. Now they have the German police on their side. PS3 hacker graf_chokolo’s house was raided by the German police.

As PS3 hacker George Hotz says on his new blog:
As many of you already know, 2 days ago his house was raided by the German police. Talk about a guy who clearly had no involvement at all with piracy, cheating, or the things Sony claims to care about. Do you want to know what he has that enrages the suits at Sony so much? Talent.
So, he had no involvement at all.. PS3 hackers are still fighting Sony and oh! Geohot has Microsoft on his side. Let’s see what’ll happen!