If you are in the mood for a unique puzzler, Chuck the Ball may be of interest to you. In Chuck the Ball, you move Chuck by placing arrows on the playing field. Upon hitting one... Read more
If you were a GOD what kind of god would you be? Benevolent or vengeful? Play Pocket God and discover the answer within yourself. Pocket God may be one of the most amusing apps I’... Read more
The app Store is literally overflowing with puzzle game, and for every good puzzler there seems to be 15 bad ones. How do you separate yourself from the pack? Well the developer of Stichem Words might... Read more
Okay, let’s get this out of the way. I’ve never considered myself really into the whole “spot the difference” type of game. I mean, sure when I was a kid I had a good... Read more
It would be easy to simply label Payback as a Grand Theft Auto clone, sure there are similarities and the game does borrow heavily from that game, but Payback does enough to stand on it’... Read more
Bobby Carrot isn’t your typical puzzle game, it has character, charm, and an overall polish that can lull you into thinking your playing on a console and not a hand held device. It’... Read more
Textropolis isn’t an application you’ve likely not heard about before. It’s not gotten the proper recognition or promotion that other titles have gotten, so let me clue you in on... Read more
As a child one of my most vivid memories was spending the night at a friends house. His parents let us stay up late and watch the first (4th) Star Wars movie. It was at that... Read more
I should start by saying that I am a big fan of Blue Defense. I love the look and control aspects of the game, and, most of all, for some reason I loved that instead of... Read more