25 Free Social Networking Icons for your websites and blogs.
recently, i been searching for a social networking icons for our site (see it live on sidebar),
and luckily i found one
It was created by our dear friend kyo-tux on dA for freesocialicons website, the download link for the media is not available, i tried to contact the admin but no reply or updated the post for us to download, so, i contacted our friend kyo-tux asking permission to post it in your site, of course all credits to him and to freesocialicons.com..
here without further chitchat, you can download 25 Social networking icons in png format for free, use them as long as you want but put a credits to original author i have mentioned.
Download 25 Free Social Networking Icons
Download Hits: 636 – Filetype: .zip – Size: 136.96 kB
lo que yo queria, gracias
brad, naa koy hangyo,,, kanang icon sa twitter btw nmu, pagama ko ug letter J ana den ang letter N na color green nkatapad duha ka icon…hehhe..kung wa rka lingaw…lamats