Customize your Windows XP Clock Tray that looks like Windows 7 Clock Tray using TClock Light Freeware application…
Yes you can make your Windows XP Default Tray Clock to look like Windows 7 Tray Clock.
Windows XP Default Clock Tray
Customized Windows XP Clock Tray with TClock Light
Its easy to use and its a portable application, no need to install or run any setup.
Download it from link below and extract it to a folder of your choice, then Open tclock.exe, now right-click your tray clock and choose TClock Properties,
from their you can customize your own preference depends on how you want it to look like…
If you want it look like on second preview above. Again, right-click your clock tray and choose TClock Properties
On Color and Font choose Segoe UI and Size to 9, and Format would be like this;
hh:nn ttnddd mmm dd
You must check 12H box and also check Customize format box…
That’s all, click OK and enjoy your new Windows XP Clock look like Windows 7
Download TClock Light for Windows XP
Download Segoe UI Font
Download Hits: 106 – Filetype: .zip – Size: 974.87 kB