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RevoUltimate Windows XP Theme

RevoUltimate is a fresh looking theme for your Windows XP (SP2 or SP3) machine and created by XstyleOne from deviantART community.

RevoUltimate XP Theme

If you want to use Revo you have to patch a system file called “uxtheme.dll”. If your windows system is not patched yet you can use the UXTheme Multi-Patcher

Authors Note:
How to install?
After you patched the file you must install the fonts (needed for best experience). Copy the fonts into Windows directoryFonts. Good, now you have to copy the msstyles into Windows dir/Resources/Themes (or in other folder if you prefer).
Why do i need the fonts?
The style contains 3 font types: Tahoma 8pt, SegoeUI 8pt and SegoeUI 9pt.
For the best experience i recommend to enable the ClearType effect (in the Display Properties in the Appearance tab in the Effects).

More info here

Download RevoUltimate for Windows
Download Hits: 316 – Filetype: .zip – Size:
